
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Peanuts good ol charlie Brown

In Reading we have been learning about chapter comics and using speech bubble

Japanese tree prossem

In  art in this term were been learning about Japanese  tree  I felt challenge is making it what was not changing is not putting
it on my blog 

Friday, 26 October 2018

Life Education

At life ed Education  we have been learning about working in team's  are like someone is like choosing the right game  to play and not argue the challenge was the ping pong game what was not challenge is the going to space it is loud Image result for harold from the life education

Thursday, 25 October 2018

In writing we are learning to create ideas first we brainstormed as a class what bug us. we asked Mr M what bugged him. Mrs  McG then gave us 8 minutes to quickly write our ideas down. 

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

choose characters

I am learning about characters In reading i had to choose a characters if the action matched a villian or a hero this is my work

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Zoes Rescue the silky seal pup

chapter one diving with the dolphins
Zoe parker splashed through the water, giggling as a playful young dolphins swooped along beside her. it was a warm Friday afternoon at Rescue Zoo and the last of the visitors had gone home- with meant that Zoe parker could play with all her animal friends! As soon as everyone had left the Zoo, zoe had put her wetsuit on and rushed straight to the lagoon for a swim. there were five bottlenose dolphins.

Image result for Zoes Rescue the silky seal pup

camp Rock book

chapter one 
MITCHIE up!´ Connie Torres commanded as she stepped though the piles of clothes and CD´S on her fourteen - Year - old daughter´s bed room floor. last day of school she clapped her hand´s cheerfully before disappearing down the hall. In the bed, Mitchie stirred and groaned  her hand shot out from under the covers and grabbed a CD labelled Mitchie tunes from the beside cabinet. Without
looking, Mitchie pooped the disc into the CD player and Pushed Play.  Instantly, the chords of a  pop song filled the room Related image

Friday, 12 October 2018

Rainbow Magic Penelope the foal fairy

chapter one  poster Animals
Just one day left until the farm's grand opening" said Kirsty Tate.  she was peering at a computer screen over the shoulders of  Harriet  and Niall Hawkins, the owners of greenfield farm. Her parents, Mr and Mrs Tate, and her best friend, Rachel walker, were also gazing at the computer. they were all looking at the design for the new poster to advertise the farm. '' I feel jumpy with excitement every time I think about the grand opening  tomorrow," said Rachel. Image result for Rainbow Magic Penelope the foal fairy

The Owls of Blossom wood save the day

chapter one A helpful hoot
when they're on land, loons are some of the clumsiest birds around ' said the deep voice coming from the Tv. Katie laughed. ' they sound a lot like you Eva!" Hey" Eva  complained, though her green eyes were sparkling." Im not clumsy all the time but in the air and water, loons are fantastic flyers and swimmers," the voiceover continued." well we can't be good at everything," said  Alex, putting an arm around Eva. the three girls were sitting next to each other on Alex Image result for The Owls of Blossom wood save the day